What People Say About Our Work
Bushtekniq – November 2023
“A major highlight for the bushtekniq team this year was undertaking a series of cultural learning sessions with FUTURE DREAMING, who are also Mianjin-based. Future Dreaming tailored three workshops for our team, to introduce us to some important concepts connected to the Indigenous Relationist Ethos and pre-colonial governance systems, and to allow us to walk on Country together and learn from each other about Earth-centred worldviews and looking after Country. As well as the opportunity to share & learn a bit more about ourselves, we were invited to think deeply about history & culture of humanity, particularly around colonisation processes and biocultural worldviews in this Country. It was a mind-opening experience and deeply affirming around our practice in caring for Country.”
– Bushteknique
- Thanks Aunty & Uncle it was deadly listening to your powerful words and knowledge.
– Shanice - I have taken so much from todays yarn, and am so excited to have heard your words and your passion. I Can’t thank you all enough for sharing today. Can’t wait for the next yarn!!
– Oppo
- Thank you Mary, Ross and Michelle – so excellent to learn from you!
– Camille - Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge Ross Mary and Michelle! Such an interesting session to be part of, feeling very inspired.
– Gekko and Lindsey
- Thank you Future Dreaming, this workshop has been a balm for my brain and my soul. Thank you so much!
– Fiona - Thank you all, this has been insightful and extending! Please continue on with this work and your sharing with others
– Laraine and Charlie - Oh such a beautiful offering. Thank you all so much. Could listen to you all for weeks on end
– Julie - Thanks everyone, I’ve enjoyed this amazing discussion
– Peter - Thank you for your generosity, knowledge and sharing with us. I feel I can move into a new path now, more confident about how to keep learning about First Peoples’ culture and my own.
– Natasha - Growing up in an invader-occupier culture, I feel like I’ve been denied the tools to live in a peaceful society. Thank you Mary, Ross and Michelle for helping me learn and unlearn.
– Shona - I am certain that the future world must be heavily influenced by Indigenous ways of being in this world, our relationships with each other, and our relationship with the natural world. Thank you all for messing with and filling my mind in a very positive, beautiful way. Mary you are amazing. You’ve given me so much to think about!!!
– Howard - Thank you so much Aunty Mary, Ross and Michelle. What a great workshop, so much knowledge and sharing. Lots to think about!
– Simon - Thank you so much for generous, beautiful and encouraging sharing deeply touched
– Christine - Thank you for sharing such important and significant knowledge
– Alycia
- Thank you for such an important conversation. I hope to respectful integrated this knowledge when I work with children to understand where our food comes from and cook together. This for me is such a powerful way of deep listening.
– Stella - Thank you so much Mary, Ross and Michelle – so interesting and so, so much knowledge you all have!
– Heather - I’ve just moved here from the UK and I want to learn everything I can, about how I can live here respectfully and fully, including understanding more about the First Nations Peoples of this land. Thank you Mary, Ross and Michelle, I’ve learned so much and now I feel more brave about learning more and asking questions
– Patricia - Thanks so much Michelle, Mary and Ross. Really needed to hear to you all today!
– David - Thank you to all of you for an informative seminar, and for sharing your insights of country so generously.
– Erla - Thank you so much Mary for your deep and enlightening teachings, it’s really healing listening to you. Thank you very much Ross for your everything you shared and the profoundly rich wholeness of understanding. It’s very inspiring to remember to keep developing our sensitivity to Country.
– Carmel - Thank you so much Michelle for your powerful, lucid, insightful and warm presentation. Thank you also for the wonderful and incredibly important work you do with AELA and beyond. Everything you do is authentic, rich, deep and unique and I’m very grateful for the workshops you offer to the public. Thank you again!
– Carmel - Many thanks Aunty, you are truly a wise Woman Elder.
– Zohl