Future Builder
Would you like to become a Future Builder, and work in partnership with Future Dreaming?
We are interested in partnering with organisations and individuals who are creative, compassionate and open-minded, and who are committed to:
- sharing ecological knowledge
- cultural respect and being a First Nations’ ally
- supporting regenerative and sustainable community empowerment and community development
- creating placed based (local, bioregional and national) solutions
- supporting the health of future generations
Why become a Future Dreaming partner?
Join our growing network of community organisations and expert advisors and:
- Connect with opportunities to share your expertise with us, and with other members of our network
- Promote your work on our website
- Be called on to share your knowledge and expertise in workshops, public lectures and on-the-ground projects
- Be invited to join annual Future Builder symposia, to share ideas and identify ways to collaborate each year
Please fill out this online form, which will then be sent to our Future Dreaming admin:
If you’d like to send any documents, or ask a question, please email us at: info@futuredreaming.org.au